Stress and the human body

Last night was the prom and now the stress is over. What I find interesting is the effects of stress. I have had a mild headache all week. My appetite sucks, I am either not eating or eating junk. My neck and shoulders are absolutely killing me. My back hurts. My knee hurts. And the only thing I really want to eat is candy. I do not like being stressed at all.

I spent today relaxing and trying to get rid of my stress. I have eaten junk, but I've spent much of the day napping and resting. I plan on going to bed early tonight and getting back to normal tomorrow. My plan is to go to Crossfit at 8am. Eat well all day - ultra low carb. And do some things around the house here. Nothing major, nothing stressful, just a quiet day.

I have some spring cleaning I want to do around here. It is time to get brutal and start tossing things. But that is all for tomorrow, today I go back to relaxing...


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