
Showing posts from June 2, 2013

Crossfit today

The workouts this week have been particularly brutal. Today's one didn't sound too bad: 50 kettlebell swings 40 sumo deadlift high hang 30 jumping lunges 20 burpees 10 wall walks But it was pretty miserable. The wall walks are really hard. I've never done them in a workout before and they are hard. I was the last one to finish the WOD and all the guys were around cheering me on. Love our box..

Sometimes I need to be hit with a brick

My knee has been bothering me for a few weeks now. It is the right knee that has no cartilage in it, which is a little disconcerting. But, there is no real pain. It just feels a little swollen. When I bend it, it feels like there is some fluid in there and I can't bend it all the way. But no pain. So I've been going on with my life as normal because I figured if something was wrong I would feel pain. Crossfit is real big on mobility and they just started selling this book for cheap: I bought it and have been reading it. Well, I came across a statement in there that basically said, if you are having problems with a joint look downstream or upstream. Okay, that made sense to me. So I sat on night and mashed my calves with a rolling pin without too much problems. Then I put the rolling pin on my quad and nearly went through the roof. Clearly I had found the problem, my quad was extremely tight. I worked on it a little bit every night for a couple of nights until it felt b...

Weird Day

Today was strange. I feel like I've been lazy all day, but looking back I got a lot done. So let's review. The day started at 5 am, when I got up to get ready for a 6 am Crossfit class. My box is trying out early mornings and there were a lot of people there. I was home, showered, and had eaten breakfast before 8 am. Sweet. Next up was some school work. I have my first assignment due tomorrow and I really didn't know what I was doing. So I jumped in and got it done. Then I began working on my second assignment, which is due Thursday, and the assignment for my other class. By this time Hubby was home and we needed to go buy a refrigerator because ours died last night. We have a place here that refurbishes appliances and provides a 1 year warranty and is much cheaper than new appliances, so we headed over there. We picked out a fridge and noticed they had some glass top stoves for sale. Our stove is a piece of work. One burner doesn't work, the coils don't si...


That is really what it's all about. I just started serious paleo again yesterday, and today we get a spontaneous invitation to brunch. Aggghhhhhh!!! No worries, I can do this.... I got out and ran at 6:30 am, so by 7:30 I was starving and brunch wasn't until 11:30. I went ahead and made myself some breakfast and figured I'd order lunch. After not doing much except laundry, we headed out. A stop at Whole Foods got me some staples for the week. We met our friends and I ended up ordering a salad. It wasn't exactly Paleo since it had corn, but I did pass on the chips and salsa that came with it. The dressing was a vinegarette type that I'm sure wasn't perfect but I'm also sure it wasn't as bad as dressings can be. The rest of the day I was busy, busy, busy. We built a new desk for the computer room and brought it in and cleaned out the old desk. Now there is a ton of rearranging to do. I'm also going to do a lot of cleaning and purging. I'm ge...

Off to a good start

Yesterday was day 1 and it turned out pretty good. I had an awesome breakfast: Pumpkin, peppers, onions, eggs, sausage, avocado - absolute delish!!! I then went to Crossfit: 3 rounds for time: 14:09 Farmer's carry - 2-35# 5 pull ups - green/blue bands 10 pike push ups - blue/red bands 15 pistols - 16" box Farmer's carry after last round. Had a good lunch and a nice dinner (no pictures). I was somewhat lazy the rest of the day, I mean I am on summer vacation after all. I did however, get my new desk stained. Today we will be building me a new table desk. It's going to be huge - 80" long and almost 3' wide. It's going to be awesome. I want one that large because I have a lot of times when I need to spread out. I have books I'm reading, papers I'm writing, etc. On my desk now, I have to move the keyboard and then if I need the computer it becomes a real pain in the butt. So a huge desk with my computer at one end and I can spread o...