December 1st

Hard to believe it is already December. In 30 days it will be the new year. I had plans of running the new year 10k, but it doesn't look like that is going to happen. My knee has really slowed me down. The good news with the knee is that I think it is getting better. Keeping my fingers crossed anyway. The plan now is to start running over Christmas break. Our last day of school is Dec. 20th and we are off until Jan. 7th. Assuming the classes at CFKB stay the same for December, I'm going to go to the Oly lifting class on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 7am, and the 4pm WOD on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, then the 8am WOD on Saturday. That leaves me Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday with nothing. I think that is when I will start running. If I do couch to 5k, I'll get through the first 3 weeks before heading back to school. That should give me enough of a base to continue on. I just have to watch my knees and make sure my shoes are in good shape.
I do have some fitness goals for next year, but they are very different from previous years. I no longer care what I weigh. I don't. I really, just don't. I feel good and that is what is important. I want to get stronger, that's my big goal. In another post I will spell it all out. I haven't completely formalized it in my head yet, so that will come before the new year.

I was looking at some blogs the other day and I can't help but wonder where these people went. There are quite a few who made the move to Facebook. And then there are others who just dropped off the face of the earth. I wonder about them. Are they okay? Did something happen? Are they just too busy? I find blogging is still great for me. I don't do it as often as I used to, but it is still awesome. It allows me a place to work things out that I don't want to bore the people in my life with. It also gives me a place to write pure nonsense until it makes sense - something most people won't listen to.

Okay, I have some work to do and I'm developing a plan for 2014. Let's see what I come up with.


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