Gratitude Day 4

Yes, I do think I will use the same picture for the next 30 days. Right now is very, very difficult to come up with something I'm grateful for. I just got back from Crossfit and I am steaming mad. Pissed off. Ready to rip someone's head off. Why you ask? Well, I'll tell you. For months I have not been able to really run. I can hobble a bit now and then, but real running has been out of the question. My knee has been feeling better since I started using the rock tape, and I've been doing a bit more running. Well, tonight's WOD was Helen. 3 rounds, 400 m, 21 kb swings, 12 pullups. I did the first 400 m and came in way last. The second and third runs I only ran about 300 m. By the last run I was pissed. I am sick of tired of this BS. I want to run. I'm going to run. I'm going to start running in the mornings on the treadmill. That was the plan anyway. I'm doing it. I am sick and tired of being injured and playing the victim. F*ck that!!! I'm completely over it. I'm going to start running and my knee is either going to get better or I'm going to cripple myself. Having said all that.

Today I'm grateful for the chance to make myself a runner again. Many people don't have the ability to do that, but I do. I have the treadmill in the spare room, I have a spare room to keep a treadmill. I have the knowledge, the skill, and the ability, and the drive to make myself a runner again. Something a lot of people don't have. So today I am grateful for the opportunities I have to improve my health and fitness.


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