Moving on my mind

I've had moving on my mind a lot recently. A. Lot. We live in Hawaii and while it's beautiful and all, it's very expensive and we are very, very far from family. As we get older all these things start to become serious considerations. I've developed a tentative time-line in my head. It's about 5 years. In 5 years we sell this place, move to the mainland where we can buy land, and settle down for a semi-retirement. I want to run a kennel and have lots of animals. Well, not lots but more. I look at 5 years for a number of reasons. 1) our house should have gone up significantly in value and the mortgage down. 2) Axl and Lola will be nearing the end of their lives, I don't want to move old dogs, but Bella will only be 7ish. 3) I will have convinced Hubby by then :). He is weird. He wants to move but doesn't want to move. All I can say is that, it's really the next thing on my agenda. I will have finished my Ph.D. by then and should be able to get a job pretty much anywhere. Anyway, just some thoughts floating around my head.


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