Did not finish

I cannot express how upset I am at myself. I honestly feel like crying. I did not finish a WOD tonight. First time in almost a year and I am very, very upset about it. I don't know why I'm so upset about it. I mean, think about it. I've done no running. My eating has only been okay. And yet I expect to be able to just do this??? WTF??? Am I an idiot???? The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. In that case, I am insane. I have got to change this up. I want to run. I want to run. I want to run. Starting tomorrow I'm running. Every morning. At least until summer school ends. Then I'm Crossfitting at 6 am and running in the evenings. I'm tired of things remaining the same. And the eating has got to get in line. It's not bad but I have dessert a little too often. Once or twice a week is fine. Every night, not so much......

I love how my feelings run....I was so upset with myself, I seriously wanted to cry. Now I'm just angry and pissed off that I let it happen. I need to ride that pissed off state into action and do something about it......

I'm off to shower and try to get over this and come up with a workable plan.....


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