Feeling awesome

Today for the first time since Feb 18th, I felt like myself. On Feb 18th I did the Great Aloha Run and got a blister on my foot. That began a 5 week journey of injury, sickness, and generally feeling like crap. On Tuesday of this week, I came as close as I have ever come to quitting a WOD. In that same workout, I strained a muscle in my shoulder and was out for a day. I went back yesterday and, again for the first time ever, had to do a really modified workout. It's one thing to modify a movement because you can't do it yet, it's another to modify it because you are injured. Hate that.... All day I felt pretty good and had lots of energy. When I got to the box tonight I was determined to do my best. And I did and I'm proud of myself.


5 rounds for time:

  • 14 ring push ups (supposed to be muscle ups but I don't have those yet)
  • 21 Sumo deadlift, high pull - 45# (sumo stance, deadlift, pull bar up under chin)
Did the rounds in 15:45!!! Very proud of myself and proud I gave it everything I had. 

Tomorrow is 13.4:
As many reps as possible in 7 minutes:

  • 3 clean & jerk
  • 3 toes to bar
  • 6 C&J
  • 6 toes to bar
  • 9 C&J
  • 9 toes to bar
Keep going adding 3 every round for 7 minutes. 

The problem with this workout? I don't have toes to bar yet. I'm really close and hope to get at least 3 tomorrow.  Oh well!!!!! All I can do it try. 


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