We're all still here
Damn Mayans!!! Got us all excited and worked up for nothing. Oh well, moving on. I've been having some small groin pain on my right side and it's bugging me. I don't know what it's from or how to fix it. It's not bad enough to stop me from working out, but it's there. I'm wondering if it's from running on the treadmill. I didn't run yesterday but plan on running today. Yesterday turned out to be an interesting day. I got up early to go to the post office and pick up a package and ended up not showering or getting dressed until 1pm. I spent the entire morning working on school stuff. It was good. I got a lot done. But it was weird for me. Once I showered and dressed though I got moving. Did a whole bunch of stuff around the house before Crossfit. Speaking of Crossfit. I'm weird. I know that and completely accept it. One of the things I like about Crossfit - a lot - is the way it is structured. We start with a warm up, then we do some str...