Some more thoughts
People who have never had a weight problem will probably never understand this, but this is what happened last night to me. Prior to last nights workout I felt like I had been phoning in my workouts. I left there sweaty and tired but the sweat was due mostly to the humidity and the tired was because any type of activity tires me out in that heat. Not that I was working out, I just was not giving it my best effort. Wednesday's workout I think I miscounted a couple of sets and didn't do quite as many reps as I should have. On Wednesday I let that slide, but normally - when in beast mode - I would have done some extra just to make sure I got all my reps in. But up until last night, the little voice inside my head telling me this was hard was winning. Last night I finally beat it into submission. It's not beaten for good. This is a battle I will have to fight every so often, but I have definitely one the most important skirmish. There will be a point when I win the war, but ...