Reality Check
So last night I was all 'oh, the scale doesn't rule my life anymore, I'm so over it' blah, blah, blah..... I got up this morning and the first thing on my mind was my weigh-in. Now it may be due to the fact that I was posting about it last night or it may be due to the fact that I'm really not so over it as I thought. Anyway, I got up, fed the birds to shut them up, then headed to the scale. I had already eliminated everything that was ready to leave if you know what I mean. I said to myself as I stepped on it, this does not affect me in anyway. Whatever this says is just one measure of my progress. I feel good. I'm more energetic. I'm sleeping better. What the number on this scale says can not affect my day in anyway. Clearly I'm not as over this as I thought I was. So I stepped on the scale looked down and saw 195.4. Hmm, my immediate gut reaction was 'crap' that's all???? Then I mentally slapped myself and said 'what the heck is yo...