Time for something new

When I was super active and thin one thing that I had was this blog. This blog opened up a whole new world of people to me that I would never have gotten to know. In that group of people I found folks who were interested in the same things I was; fitness, health, working out, running, triathlon. It was awesome to read about their experiences and share mine with them. I remember coming home from races and I could not wait to sit down and share my experiences with them. Although I say that I'm not really a people person, having contact with people as excited as I am about something really is inspiring and motivating. I think that's why Weight Watchers worked for me for a while. But face it, 50 people wanting to share their experiences and having only 30 minutes once a week to do it just doesn't work. At least for me. Initially it did and that was awesome, but the last couple of times I tried it I would leave the meetings feeling like I had nothing in common with those people. It's possible that I've changed and my focus has shifted leading to different needs and goals. Anyway, as Facebook became more and more popular, lots of people drifted away from blogging. I haven't. I love being able to spew nonsense with absolutely no paragraph breaks. Now it's all short, sometimes unintelligible, posts on Facebook. Those are nice buuuuuttttt........

Back in May I started the above FB page but never really did much with it. Posted a couple of blog entries and that was about it. I think in the back of my mind I knew what I wanted, I just hadn't fully formed the idea or articulated it yet. So this morning I was tooling around FB waiting to workout when I started expanding my horizons and finding a whole bunch of fitness pages. Many are people, like me, trying to lose weight and get healthy. Hmmm... this got me to thinking. I started investigating and found that I could use FB as this page instead of my regular page. Also, my likes from my personal page don't transfer to my Cake page. Hmmm... so basically I can have 2 separate identities on FB. Legally. Hmmmm.....So I've decided to join the FB health and fitness community. I spend hours reading posts on FB, I'd rather spend that time reading positive, motivating posts. So I've switched to this page and will be using it for my own motivation. I think it's a good idea.....

Now, it's time to go workout.....


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