Snowed Under

This is exactly how I've felt the last few days. I have been in the final throes of thesis writing and have papers and crap all over my desk and office. I submitted the "completed" paper on Sunday and met with my professor on Tuesday night. We went over it and there were some corrections and things to add. I spent the majority of yesterday doing that and sent it to him last night. I am scheduled to meet with him tonight to review it again. With any luck at all, this will be the final review and I can take it to be copied and bound tomorrow. Then I will meet with him next Tuesday to sign off on it and I am done. Wow!!! I can not believe it. For 2 years this thing has been hanging over my head and now I'm so close to being done I can taste it......

As a result though, my working out has taken a back seat to the thesis work. I've done a couple of things here and there but nothing regular or consistent. I did manage to rein in my eating yesterday. On Tuesday my eating was off the hook. I had beans and corn for breakfast. Something strange for lunch that I can't even remember. Dinner was left over from poker when I got home from meeting my professor. Tuesdays food was a train wreck. Yesterday I managed to get it together. Oatmeal for breakfast. Huge salad for lunch. Small amount of chicken, couscous and veggies for dinner. I feel much better this morning then I did yesterday morning.

Today I think I'm going to work on some school stuff. It starts 2 weeks from today and I'm kind of ready but not really. So I think I'm going to clean up this office today and work on school stuff. That sounds like a plan.


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