Sometimes I need to get out of my own way

Woot!!!! Woot!!!! I feel so awesome right now. I met my personal trainer at 24 hour fitness at 6:30am. It was awesome. She put me through a workout that was tough but not too terribly tough. On some of the moves I was shaking on the last 2 or 3. Awesome.

However, and the real reason I'm writing this, I have to be careful not to overdo it or go crazy. I know what needs to be done and I need to just have faith in the process and let it happen. I have a tendency towards impatience and I want to rush or force things. That's when things go bad. So I need to just take it easy and go with the program.

I say this because during my session, there were moments when I found myself thinking 'oh, I could do this every day' or 'I should be using a heavier weight' or some such nonsense. I am not the person I was 4 years ago. I am not as strong as I was or as active. I need to get back into it slowly. Not so slowly I don't make progress, but slowly to allow my body time to catch up with my mind.

So I had a good workout. I feel good. I'm going to stop into 24 hour everyday to build the habit of going there. I know myself and the more I do it the quicker it will become a habit. But I will only do weight training 3 or 4 times a week. I will not over do it. I will follow the advice of the professional. I will.

After the workout, I jumped on my bike and headed home. On the ride I started to get hungry. By the time I got home I was starving. Yeah!!! I made an egg sandwich with hummus and a little bit of cheese. It was awesome. I have a mango for a snack and I can not wait for that.

Okay, off to the showers and then get laundry going.


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