Time for a new hobby

So things have been a little busy around here lately but I'm doing more of the things I want to do - so that's good. One of the things that happens when I get real busy is that I do more. A lot more. So in my busy state I wrote a post in passing about learning to play the guitar. It's something I've wanted to do for a long, long time and I still do. I wrote the post because something I saw on TV reminded me of the guitar. Well, since that post I've been fairly obsessed about the guitar. I really want to get back into it. I have a smaller guitar but I would really love to get a regular sized one. I don't need anything fancy like a Fender, though I sure wouldn't mind one, but I think I'll start a little smaller :)

I have done a little research and the community college right around the corner from me offers guitar classes at night. Hmm...They are extremely reasonable because they are at a community college. The next class won't be starting until summer but that's just fine. I should have some free time around then.

I think part of my problem with moving past things and getting things accomplished is that I don't have a lot of "hobby" type things in my life. There is usually something I do that, while it's in my schedule, it's just for fun. Right now I don't have much of that - too much on my plate. Definitely time for some fun stuff.....


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