I'm sore

This is how I spent about 6 hours yesterday. I was either on my knees scraping old tile up or laying new tile down. Ouch!!! My back, legs, neck, arms, everything is sore. Last night I hurt so bad I could hardly lay down. Or sit. Or stand. It was pretty back. I took some ibuprofen and went to bed. Luckily I fell asleep pretty quickly and slept good. Woke up this morning feeling better but still sore in places.

During this whole event yesterday I hardly ate. I had 1/2 an egg salad sandwich about 1 pm and that was it. When we finished at 5pm I was a mess. I had a headache and felt like crap. I went to the store to grab something quick to eat and to get something for dinner. We ate 3 pieces of fried chicken between us and felt a whole lot better. Later on we had dinner and that helped even more. Bed helped the best by far though.

I'm sitting here now thinking about the workout I have planned and wondering if I can do it. I really am sore. Also, it's overcast and looks like rain. A good day to just hunker down and do some desk work. Maybe I'll work for a little bit and then see about working out. Sitting in this nice comfy chair feels good for now......


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