It's that time again
Election time. This is a presidential election year and it's already been wild, I expect it to get worse. I'm not sure how many Republican canditates we've been through already, but I know it's been a couple. I have already seen a sarah palin 2012 shirt while I've been out and about. And of course the Obama stickers and shirts are everywhere. I'm kind of torn this year. I've always considered myself a Republican. In fact I consider myself extremely conservative. But lately the Republicans haven't been saying things that I agree with. For instance, when Sarah Palin first came on the scene I really liked her. And when the Republicans lost the election I actually considered getting a sarah palin 2012 shirt because I did like her. A. Lot. But so much. I still agree more with the Republicans then the Democrats but both parties seem to have gone extreme. I know the Democrats are going to throw everything behind getting Obama reelec...