Done and done

School is over. Yea!!! I am so happy, you have no idea. Yesterday was the last day and we had our Christmas party yesterday afternoon. I don't have to go back there for 3 weeks if I don't want to. I will be going back there but I don't have to. Yeah!!!

This week did not go as planned at all. I didn't get up to workout any morning. I didn't eat well most of the time. I was exhausted by the time I got home. Overall a pretty miserable week. Yet I still managed to go down .4 lbs. Wow!!! After yesterdays alcohol and food orgy that was a real shock. My initial game plan was to jump right in today and start on my program but I've changed my mind a little. First, I overslept and had to rush off to WW. I hate rushing in the mornings. Second, I had to stop on the way home and pick up some things for the week. Third, I'm going this afternoon to get new running shoes and a new bike helmet. Plus I want to plan. I do not want to go into this without a concrete plan in place. Also, I would like to relax for one day. So today is my planning/prepping/relaxing day. And I'm good with that.

I will be spending some time on the couch as well as here planning my attack. I have 22 days to lose 10 lbs. I can totally do it if I am focused and committed. And I am. Oh, I also need to charge up my Garmin and get a new battery for the heart rate monitor. I'm going to be using that for working out since my FitBit died. I also have to look for a good calendar for 2012. I like to have it on Excel so I can customize it and print it out so I can see it. I also need to get paper for my printer. Oh, busy, busy, busy. I was looking earlier for a calendar and came across a link for auto collision estimating software. Not sure how that came up, but it did. Google has a mind of it's own sometimes. But then again, Google can usually predict what I'm looking for and that's kind of scary weird.

Okay, enough. I need to go hit the showers.


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