False Starts

I have a FitBit. I got it almost a year ago, strike that, over a year ago and have used it somewhat sporadically. I like it because it is small, no one knows I'm wearing it, and the data is free. I used the BodyBugg for about 6 months but that thing was huge and you have to pay to get your data - that sucks. So FitBit is much better. I also recently discovered Earndit. This place gathers data from your devices, FitBit, Garmin, Nike+, etc, and translate the activity into points. With the points you can then "purchase" things. It's pretty cool. Anyway, I signed up for Earndit 2-3 weeks ago and have actually used the points I've earned to get a couple of things - cool. Then, last Sunday, my FitBit got misplaced. I thought I had put it on the charger but it wasn't there. I looked all over and could not find it. I thought the dog took it somewhere. Then yesterday I found it under my desk. I guess the puppy knocked it off my desk and it slide underneath where it couldn't be seen. In the meantime, I got the above award from Earndit for earning less than 10 points 4 days in a row. The False Start award. Nice, huh???? That's what I was thinking today was, a false start. I don't have to be anywhere until 1:30 so it was hard - really hard - to stay away from the computer. Or to resist the call of the nap. The good part is I did workout this morning - hard!!! Thought I was going to throw up I was working so hard... So that's good. And I didn't go crazy at breakfast so that's good. Baby steps, baby steps....False starts are only practice runs....


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