
I really haven't set any goals in a long, long time. Of course looking back through the archives I realize that I did this in February. That didn't work out so well but I'm willing to give it another go.

Tomorrow is May 1st and I would like to have a plan for the month. My big goal is to, of course, lose weight but I'm really tired of focusing on that. I want to try it from a little different angle this time. My plan is to focus on the activity and let the eating take care of itself. There will be some limitations on the eating; dessert once a week, on free meal a week, use the small plate for dinner, and have a salad with every lunch. Nothing earth shattering, just some common sense stuff that will help me stay on track.

As for the activity part, I plan to attack that on 2 fronts. First, I really want to work out more and I want to start running. In the mail today I got my Women's Running magazine and I was leafing through it. They have a training plan for a beginner's 5k. Initially I thought that I would do the intermediate plan but I caught myself. I am not in the shape I think I am so I am going to pretend that I have never run before and start doing it like I'm brand new. The program is 8 weeks until a 5k but the first 5k I can find is 15 weeks away. So I'm thinking I will do the beginner program and then work my way into the intermediate program and be almost done with that before my race. Start slow and take it really, really easy.

For the working out part, I only have 5 weeks left of school. There is no reason why I can't get up at 4 am for the next 5 weeks and workout. I want to follow Bob Harper's schedule and see what happens in four weeks. I'm ready to give it a go. Here's what May starts out as:

It's only the first 3 weeks but it's a start.


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