
I've started a part-time job in retail. Where is not important, just suffice it to say I'm in a discount store. I've been working the register and one thing I noticed is that some people are seriously good with coupons. I am jealous. They come in and buy $50 worth of stuff but have coupons and end up paying only $20 or so. Wow!!! One lady came in and had a binder with plastic sheets that had pockets that were coupon sized. She had the thing filled with all kinds of coupons and they were all organized and was amazing. Where I work has some really great deals to begin with. Add coupons on top of that and you are really saving some bucks. There are some other stores where you can save big too, I bet you save a whole lot with Kohls coupons. We don't have a Kohl's here, but I go when I visit the mainland...Love that store...Anyway, just wondering if I could become a coupon queen or if I'm setting myself up for failure. I do envy those coupon people.....


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