That is the theme for today - ACTIVE. I need to move and keep moving. I want to use my little FitBit and see how I can burn 3000 calories in a day. I know it's not going to be easy but I want to see exactly what it takes. If I could get into the habit of burning 3000 calories a day and only eating around 1200-1500, we are definitely looking at 2-3 lbs a week. YES!!!! So how do I plan on doing this. Well, not sit on butt at this computer all day to start. And to do the following:
Bob Harper's DVDDone and it almost killed meHouse CleaningDone- Walk Bella - ummm, not so much
- Run?? - not at all
- Play Wii - never got to it
Play with the dogsDone and what fun- Walk the dogs - nope
- Do some yard work - nope
Start working on the quilt I want to makeDone, and it took much longer than I thought it would
So, that's the plan. I'll check back later to let you know how it went.
If the text looks like this it was added later.