The best laid plans...

I had every intention of getting back to tracking again.  Of using the Great Aloha Run as a jumpstart to my workouts.  But.....none of the above happened.  I haven't tracked all weekend and the eating wasn't the best it could have been.  Also, the Great Aloha Run didn't happen. Well, it happened for23,000 people just not for me. My heel was hurting when I woke up this morning and I did not think I could do 8.15 miles.  Plus, I really want this heel thing to go away and walking 8 miles on it may have made it considerably worse.  So, in a probably very adult decision, I decided to pass on the Aloha Run. I'm kind of bummed about it, but I'm positive it was the wisest decision.

Today was not great.  I have felt exhausted all day. I have just wanted to sleep all day. I did take a nap for about an hour and felt like hell when I woke up. After running a couple of errands I still felt like crap and spent an hour lying on the couch. I felt like total crap. I finally  decided that it must be the vog (volcanic fog). It was grey and yucky all day and I decided that was what was making me feel like crap. I'm starting to feel better tonight, it's getting dark and it's raining. I did not like that feeling at all and I hope it doesn't happen again.

I did workout this morning though.  A few weeks ago I got this:

I haven't had a chance to try it out so I did this morning. It was a killer workout. I had a hard time getting through the whole thing - it was brutal. I haven't worked out in a couple of weeks and since I don't want to have to resort to electrosurgery, I figured I better get my butt moving again. What I really like about it is that it's not pure cardio. It's a combination of functional type movements and strength training. I like it. A.Lot. I need to figure out a workout schedule with that workout.

Now, I need to relax a bit - it's been a rough day - then head off to bed. Work tomorrow :(


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