I think that is what has been missing from my life
Exercise. Ever since I started this whole teaching thing my exercise level has gone way down. Between teaching school, having to prepare lessons, plus going to school, I have had little time to work out. Or so I told myself. Yesterday was my most active day in a long, long time. I did the ellipitical in the morning for 30 minutes. Walked the dogs around 4. Then after dinner rode the stationary bike for 30 minutes. Last night I was tired and slept pretty good. It's not an insane amount and it wasn't really high intensity (I hardly broke a sweat on the bike) but it felt good to be active and moving. This morning I feel great and actually got out of bed a few minutes before I had to. Yeah!!! So I'm going to stick to my new routine for at least 2 weeks and see how it goes. I think it will help a lot. While I rode the bike I started reading articles for my thesis topic. I also had, what I think, is a pretty good ...