Something new
I have really gotten into reading foodie blogs lately and I thought I'd give it a try as a way to curb my food intake. I found that by paying little attention to food I have taken to eating too much of it. So I thought I'd do like the foodies do and take pictures of everything I eat. It makes for long posts but it sure is a way to hold yourself accountable. So here is my first attempt: The day started at my normal work time because of a function at school this morning. I was very hungry and so began the day with a banana and peanut butter By the time my event was over, at around 10:30, I was starving. Luckily Hubby was home and hungry and making lunch. One of my favorite things, chili dog: with onions and jalapenos - Yummmmm!!!!! Around 2:00 I was craving a snack. I grabbed a little dried fruit I had left over, which I forgot to photograph, and Hubby pulled these babies out: Soybean poke - the best. It's got chili sauce and garlic, sesame oil and ...