
Showing posts from January 3, 2010

Hardcore was apparently only passing through

I've been doing a lot of thinking over the past 3 weeks and some things have occurred to me. At this point in time I don't really have anything I'm passionate about except teaching. I absolutely love teaching and all that's involved in it. I love the planning and the grading, I love it all and am very passionate about doing it well. In my home life though, there are lots of things I love, but nothing that really gets me all excited and fired up. I don't know if it's me or just a phase I'm going through. I have danced with depression before and though I've never gotten diagnosed, because I won't take medication, I know what it feels like. Part of the problem is the house. We have run into a roadblock that I'm not sure can be moved. The worst part of this roadblock is there is nothing I can do about it. It's in the hands of other people. So we may lose the house and there's nothing we can do about it. This particular roadblock wil...

You can call me hardcore

My running streak continues. I woke this morning to rain. Pretty good rain. Too much rain to run in. But since my elliptical is blocked by boxes and my DVD's have all been put away, I really have no other activity. So I waited a little while and as soon as it lightened up I headed out. I told you, hardcore. Then, the body was feeling a little achy from 2 days of back-to-back running so I decided to do one 4-minute interval and see how I felt. I did that interval and felt like crap, but I told myself the first one always sucks. I needed to do another to really guage how I felt. So I did interval #2 and felt pretty good. I ended up doing all 6 intervals. I told you - Hardcore!!!! Now I need some food.

Time to step it up......

I'm watching the Biggest Loser and I really like this show. It's really very inspiring. Anyway, I've been keeping my food journal for the last two days but I haven't been putting the calories in. I've just been writing down the food. Even that little bit helps. But tomorrow I think it's time to start counting calories. The only way I'm really going to lose any weight is to know exactly how much I'm eating. So tomorrow I start counting calories again. I also think I'll run again tomorrow. Hmmmm.....three days in a row?? What would other people say???

The revelations just keep on coming.....

My revelations during yesterdays run really freed up a lot of things in my head.  As I said, I tend to look for the magic bullet and as a result I get hung up on what other people say I should and shouldn't do. For the last few months I have been attempting my workouts with the thought in my head that I can not run 2 days in a row.  So I would wake up and really feel like running but I wouldn't because either I ran the day before or I'm supposed to run the following day.  So I would not do what I wanted to do and I would force myself to do something I didn't feel like or, more likely, end up doing nothing at all.  I get it, I'm not supposed to run 2 days in a row because my body needs time to rest and rebuild, blah, blah, blah.  I would buy that nonsense if I was running 10 miles or running really fast.  I'm not.  I'm only running about 3 miles and I'm running pretty slow.  I dragged myself on the run from hell yesterday and felt like crap the en...


I dragged my ass out on a run this morning and as painful as it was I'm glad I did.  I got some thinking done, so here goes.  First, I'm still trying to find the quick fix.  Even though I've been at this for years and I know that there is no magic bullet, I still keep looking for it.  I bought two  books in the last week that prove that fact.  The previously mentioned Beck Diet Solution and the Flat Belly Diet from Prevention.  Having read through the Flat Belly Diet I realized I can not follow their plan, I would be setting myself up for failure, but there are some things I can incorporate into my eating that may help me. As for the Beck Diet Solution, that is a psychological approach to weight loss and quite frankly nothing new to me.  So, no magic bullets, nothing new under the sun really, and I'm surprised???  No.  I know how to eat right.  I know what's good for me and what's not so good for me.  I know all this so that'...

January 4th !?!?!?!?!?!?

We are already 4 days into the new year!!!  Wow, it's going to be one of those years I can tell.  So where have I been?  Around..... My eating plan has not been going as I planned.  Too many days I've had beer with lunch which resulted in a sweet tooth that I had no control over.  I ate an entire package of creme wafers the other day.  The whole package.  In about 4 hours.  The worst part was I was not even close to being full.  I could have eaten more but I ran out.  What the heck is up with that???  So yeah, things are not going well.  Next week is back to school and I am completely not ready.  This week though I'm going to get up earlier and earlier (I've been sleeping until 7) and there will be no naps during the day. This will naturally lead to an earlier bed time and hopefully by Monday I'm back on schedule again. I'm also writing down everything I eat.  I'm not restricting my eating just writing it down....