Reaching that point again

That point where I don't feel like me. Where I feel fat and uncomfortable and totally not myself. That point that pisses me off. I'm almost there. And I don't want to be. I want to be feeling the way I was a few weeks ago. Happy and focused and into working out. I'm definitely not feeling that way now. Part of the problem is I think a cold may be trying to invade my system. For the last couple of days I have not had my usual energy and I just want to sleep. Granted I love to sleep but I can usually manage to do more than that. Today I even took the day off work hoping to prevent whatever this is from becoming a full blown cold. I slept quite a bit and sat playing with my little camcorder for awhile. I think it helped. I feel better than I did last night so I guess that's an improvement. I need to get back to myself though and feel like I did just a few weeks ago....


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