
Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. That's what I've been doing. I've been doing the same things, getting the same results and not understanding why. I've been doing things I'm not happy with and not understanding why I feel frustrated and stifled. So today, being Independence Day, is the day I break free from all that nonsense.

First off I'm stopping all the Entrecards and Adgitze stuff on all my blogs. I don't care about traffic. I don't care about commenters. So why do I have this stuff? It's become more of a negative than a positive so it's time to move on. I find myself censoring too much of what I want to write because I'm afraid of what people will think. So no more. This blog is for me and I will write complete nonsense if I want to. I will write post after post about tm-t88iv if that's what I want to do. So freedom to write my heart is again on tap.

Second, I have got to shake up my dietary habits. I've fallen into some pits that I don't like. So for the next few days I am going to keep a detailed Food/Mood journal. I did it the other day just to see what it would be like and it was a real eye-opener. So I'm going to do it for the next few days, a week or so, to try and get to the bottom of my eating. I think I know most of the reasons I overeat but let's see if I can put a fine point on it. I have always said, information is power and if I know the "why" of something I have a better time dealing with it. I will document a lot of that here which will help me in the long run and relates back to the first item.

Finally, I need to shake up my workouts. For the past 4 weeks I worked on at least getting a running habit going. That's seems to have worked well but I don't have the daily workout habit I would like. I would also like to work out 2x a day - and mix some strength training in there. So I'm going to do that. I have 3 weeks left to get this in place. I'm going to set a schedule of 2 workouts per day of no more then 30 minutes each. If I feel like more I can do more but 30 minutes is super easy.

So that's it. I'm reclaiming my blogs and my life and I'm very, very happy about it. Happy Independence Day all!!!!


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