The best laid plans

After having an awesome run yesterday morning, I went ate some breakfast and took a shower. By then it was rainy and getting cold - odd, I know. I sat down on the couch to read for a few minutes and the next thing I know I've fallen asleep. I slept for about 1 hour then Hubby came home. I then proceeded to lie on the couch reading my book until 2 pm. I then got up, but only because I finished my book, and was hungry. Since we had nothing in the house to eat we went grocery shopping. I spent the rest of the day just doing nonsense stuff. We didn't even walk the dogs last night because the fireworks had already started. Ugh!!! At this rate I'm going to need to find the best diet pill or I will be 400 lbs when school starts. Today I'm making a sincere effort to be more active. No lying on the couch for 4 hours.....


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