Enough already!!!

For the past couple of months my workouts have been very hit and miss, much more miss. Eating has been on and off - mostly off - and I've generally felt like crap.

Around mid-April I got sick. I was in bed for 2 days and it took a week for the sinuses to clear up. 2 weeks later I got sick again. I spent 1 day in bed and my sinuses were a mess for a couple of days. This past weekend I felt really tired and my sinuses started acting up. For the last 3 days my sinuses have really been painful. I've had a headache and sinus pressure for 2 days now. Yesterday was bad. I was having trouble breathing and I was having these heart palpitations that were scaring me. Then last night, a couple of us from class were walking to a local cafe and I was drinking a Frappe from McDonalds. All of a sudden I got a pain in my head, my heart started palpating and I was really, really afraid something was seriously wrong. I was scared. That was it though. I decided then and there that I was done living the way I was living. I need to work out, watch what I eat, lose some weight, and stop feeling like this. I know that much of this is directly related to the way I've been eating - dessert every night - and not working out. So that changed this morning. I was up at the first alarm and rolling. I worked out for 30 mins on the elliptical and I have watched what I ate all day. I want to start doing strength training and an ab workout in the evenings. I am already feeling better and I had no heart palpitations today. I need to do this. It's no longer a matter of wanting to look better it's a matter of staying healthy. So enough. I'm back on a healthy lifestyle and I'm not going to quit again.


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