And she's down....

I have been sick for the last 2 days and it sucks!!!!  I hate being sick and I just last week I was feeling rather smug that I hadn't come down with anything while everyone around had gotten sick.  Well, now I have it.  Part of the problem is that I'm tired and all I want to do is lie down but after 2 days of lying down my body is sore.  What to do.  Also, when I'm sick I eat like crap.  Either I eat junk or I don't eat at all.  That is not good.  I do drink a lot of water though and that is good.  But I don't workout because I'm sick and that is definitely not good.  Ugh....I hate being sick.....maybe it's time to look for diet pills that work. That way when I get better I'll be ready to get back on track. Ugh.....I hate being sick.....


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