Right, so where was I??

Oh yeah, workouts, eating right, etc... Well that all flew out the window after we met with our loan officer on Monday night. Everything finally fell into place and we were going to close on Friday!! Yikes!! While we had been waiting and preparing for this for 3 1/2 months, having less then a week to prepare made it crunch time. So as you imagine last week was completely crazy with packing and preparing to move. This weekend has been a marathon of moving and cleaning. Yesterday was a 14 hour day. Today is much better because we are out of the old house and in the new. We've actually been taking it easy today unpacking, resting, unpacking, resting, etc. It's working out just fine. We have got the living room fairly situated and the kitchen is coming together, so we are making progress. It's just slow but, since we own the house, there is no rush at all.


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