And that routine starts today

We are pretty well settled into the house. There are still things that need to be put away/organized/straightened out but nothing critical. All the major components are in place and now it's a matter of details. Also, Hubby went back to work today. So I'm starting my new routine today. I have 12 days of break left and I want to spend them focusing on eating right and working out. As well as straightening up the place. So I'm going to start right here right now. I know I've said this before but for the last few months this house has taken priority. Well, we are here and I am done. I want to start running and doing triathlons again but at this weight it's impossible. I also don't want to go out in public in a bathing suit with all this cellulite hanging off my thighs. I know the best cellulite cure, I just need to do it. I'm considering joining WW again. I don't know. I know the program by heart and I'm not sure I want to get back into eating all that processed crap. Though I don't have to but I get so focused on points that I lose track of nutrition.

So today's goal:
  1. track everything I eat (I have got to get back into the habit of doing this - it works!!!)
  2. stay under 1700 calories for the day
  3. work out twice for at least 30 minutes each
  4. get bedroom and office organized
 Okay, that should be a good start.  I'm off to get my first workout in. 


Anonymous said…
I've been looking around for some good healthy living advice and I stumbled on this book "Looking Good Naked". I haven't read it yet, but it looks interesting. It's about making your lifestyle healthier rather than just focusing on dieting. I think that could be good.

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