Must focus....
So my workouts have been sporadic, my eating has been spotty, my motivation fluctuating. Time to get a little focus. One of the things that helps me focus is reading weight loss blogs. I've pared down a lot of my blog reading and since weight loss bloggers seem to fade out when things get tough, I haven't been reading many weight loss blogs recently. I'm changing that. I'm not sure if this is crazy but I really enjoy reading that other people are struggling just like I am. That makes me feel not so alone and not such a failure. So I've added more blogs to my feed reader. I also feel like I'm not accountable to anyone. I need to change that. I need to be accountable to myself. I'm not sure how I'm going to do that yet, I'm thinking I may start a daily posting here, that's worked in the past..... Anyway, I did work out and I need to go shower now.