Why is it always me????
For my teaching certification I have to take a series of 4 tests. I've already taken and passed two of them, yeah!!!! Today was number 3. Now this test is a pedagogy test. For those of you who are not teachers, pedagogy is defined as follows: Pedagogy , or paedagogy is the art or science of being a teacher. The term generally refers to strategies of instruction, or a style of instruction. What they do for this test is basically give you a topic and you have to design a unit plan around that topic. They tell you how many class periods you have and you have to tell them 1) what three main topics you would cover and why, 2) what you would do (lecture, lab, film, etc.) and 3) what end of unit assessments you would use. Also, what the students should learn and what they should know at the end. So there is no real way to study for this test. I was taking the life science test and they could have given me any topic in biology. How would I have studied for that? I did look over...