New Start......
John is Fit is this fabulous blog I found recently, which is good because I recently culled my reading list. I actually found him on a day he did a post about bloggers who disappear. It was rather fortuitous timing as I had just thinned the herd on my Bloglines and needed some new blogs to read. His has turned out to be one of the better ones I've found. Side note: I'm kind of funny with blogs. I will find a blog usually because another blog I liked linked to them. I will go over, read a post or two, read their about page if they have one, and if I like what I see I will add them to my Bloglines reader. Then, what tends to happen, I will read their posts for a couple of weeks and generally find they are not to my tastes. I will then remove them from my feed. Okay, John is not like that. I am finding all his posts interesting and informative. But that is not what this was supposed to be about. John has a post today about a 40+ year old grandmother who lost 140 lbs....