So here's how it's been

I started school two weeks ago and I have been exhausted. The first part of the first week I think it was excitement and nerves that kept me going. By the end of the first week I was completely wrung out. I spent the entire weekend trying to feel normal and I didn't until Sunday night. I woke up on Monday morning and felt pretty good. This week was better. I was exhausted Monday and Tuesday but by Wednesday I was starting to feel human again. Thursday was good, really good, and Friday I was the normal tired from working all week. I woke this morning and felt okay. I had a thing to go to when I would rather have stayed in bed, but I wasn't the bone tired I was last weekend. I do believe I'm adjusting to teaching. I figure by next week I should be really into the swing of things.

Now, on to the problem. The first week I worked out Monday and Tuesday and was completely exhausted and too tired to workout the rest of the week. This week I worked out Monday and Tuesday and was pretty tired the rest of the week, so no workouts. Now, my question is this, did my working out increase my tiredness? Did my not working out help me feel normal the later part of this week? Hmmmm? I don't like not working out and I definitely want to get back into it again. I really want to start running. Should I try again this week? I want to. I really, really want to.

Also, somehow my eating this week has gotten completely out of control. Today I have eaten a fried egg sandwich, 2 hot dogs, a smoothie from Jack-in-the-Box, and a large slice of carrot cake. Yuck!!! I have to get this eating back under control. I still refuse to obsess about food but I at least need to eat better. Okay, they say the first step to a cure is admitting you have a problem, well, I have a problem.


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