Game On!!!

I am at Day 6 of the Biggest Loser - Home Edition, and I almost made a huge error this morning. I weighed and measured myself on Day 1 and wrote it all down. I have since stayed away from any type of measuring device. Then this morning I stepped on the scale. It read up 3 lbs from Day 1. I almost freaked. I almost let it get to me. Luckily sanity prevailed and I thought about it. I'll be honest, I have not been writing down what I eat but I've been sticking to my plan religiously so I feel I don't need to write it down. I have not had one peanut if it isn't on my plan for the day. So I'm good there. I've been wearing the BodyBugg and burning between 2300-2900 cals a day. So assuming I'm eating 1800 cals (I'm not) there is no way I gained 3 lbs. So what I decided is that this is water or whatever, from all the new activity. Some of my muscles are sore and I know the body's mechanism to repair includes fluids sent to the area of damage. So I'm going with that. There is absolutely no way that I have gained weight these past 6 days. It is just no possible.

In other news, I did my run/walk this morning which made it 2 days in a row. I have not done any running 2 days in a row in a long, long time. My knees can't take it. My knee is bothering me some now but that is the adjustment back to running again. Also, it dawned on me that I've stopped taking fish oil. That stuff really helps my joints a lot.

Okay, I have to run. I have an interview for a summer teaching position. Cross your fingers for me.


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