Random thoughts running around my head

  • I really love my new template. I just think it's great. There are still some tweaks I want to make on it but nothing major and I can totally live with it the way it is. Love it.
  • My little ringneck parakeet is such a talker. He's sitting in his cage saying 'wanna come out?' It's so adorable. I have to tape him but his little voice doesn't record well.
  • I totally slept in this morning. The alarm went off and I rolled over like nothing happened. It felt good.
  • My cockatoo destroyed one of my earrings. I need to go look at some jewelry today and see about getting new ones.
  • Today appears to be a glamor day. I'm getting my hair cut and colored, then I'm getting my nails done. How fun.
  • I need to go grocery shopping. My refrig is pretty barren today.
  • Once I write something down it's gone from my head. That's good and bad.
  • I hate tax time and am praying that I don't owe this year.
  • I don't know how to transfer this domain from google to another hosting company. Apparently there is no way to contact google. They really do think they are gods.
  • I have completely run out of things to say.


Anonymous said…
could be worse..u could be thoughtless like most people :)
Carnation said…
pretty relaxing day
Vickie said…
What do you mean?? Google is God. (not!)

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