Pardon me while I yell

at myself that is. I've fallen into a little funk and I can't seem to pull myself out of it. The good news is it's only been a couple of days. The bad news is I don't know how long it will last if I don't do something quick. So it's time for a good, stern talking to.

I really don't know what my problem is, possibly it's been the adjustment this week to a new schedule. But my schedule is now much lighter then it used to be when I was working full time and I did fine then. Maybe it is just the shift, but I've been lazy. I have no desire to work out and eating right just seems like too much of an effort. Yesterday I had fried pork cutlet for lunch (that was a lunch I had to attend and really had no choice), a Ben & Jerry's caramel sundae ( I did not have to eat that) and an Asian chicken salad for dinner (now that was good and healthy). No exercise. Zero!! Did I really need to eat like that???

So I have got to pull myself together and get back into action. Starting right now. I do not feel like working out in any sense of the word, so I'm going for a walk. I'm charging my iPod up right now and I'm going for a walk. I don't know how far or how long I'll go, I just need to get out there and move my butt.

A little while later: I no sooner finished typing the above, went off and did a couple of things, and started to get ready to go for a walk and it started raining. Not small kind rain, drizzles, no. Big huge drops in a great abundance. It's been raining for a few minutes now and it really doesn't look like it's going to stop any time soon. Sometimes I think the gods are malign.

Alright! I'm going to go shower and try to get my act together.


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