
Showing posts from November 9, 2008

This one is for me.....

Why is it so easy to fall back into old habits?? Why do I do things when I know they will make me feel like crap?? Why?? Why?? Why??? This morning I really feel like sh*t. Last night I ate a Moonpie, a strawberry muffin, a bag of dark chocolate M&Ms, and a lemon bar. Along with a tall iced coffee. And then I had dinner. I felt horrible last night and I feel even worse this morning. Why do I do this? I really, really don't understand. My weight has crept up slightly, only a couple of pounds, but I can feel the difference. I feel huge and bloated - constantly. My sleep is effected. I am constantly tired and last night I slept for 9.5 hours!!! Hello!! Who sleeps that long but a teenager. I have little energy to do anything and I hate feeling this way. The worst part is, I know it's directly related to what and how much I'm eating. I know it. Also, my lack of exercise. I'm starting over today but I don't exactly understand why I do this and I think...

It all begins tomorrow

I've dilly-dallied all week long and now here we are on Friday night. Tomorrow is Saturday and it all begins again. I can't wait but I've been such a sloth lately I'm a little nervous about it all. It will be good to push myself. Today I was like a walking stomach. I could not get enough food. I ate everything I brought with me and ended up stopping at 7-11 on the way home. Their iced coffee, Java something, is like crack. I love that stuff. It's my treat when I'm hungry and don't want to eat anything. Crack, I tell you, crack!!! So I'll check back tomorrow and let you know how it went. Wish me luck!!

Well aren't I the genius!!!

You Scored an A You got 10/10 questions correct. It's pretty obvious that you don't make basic grammatical errors. If anything, you're annoyed when people make simple mistakes on their blogs. As far as people with bad grammar go, you know they're only human. And it's humanity and its current condition that truly disturb you sometimes. The It's Its There Their They're Quiz Actually, these are some of my pet peeves with the written word. When the wrong one of any of these is used it drives me crazy. I was taught as a child, and I still do it to this day, to break the contraction up to see which one to use. If it's the right one, then you can replace it with it is. Anyway, I love these silly tests :)

New Year's 10k

Last night I looked around and I've decided to do the New Year's 10k. It's right around the corner from my house and it's a show up/sign up race. Not only have I decided to do it, I've decided to do it well. I have not been doing a lot of running but what I have been doing has taught me something. Somehow I got it into my head that I could only run slow. Now given, I'm not super speedy, but prior to this knowledge getting in I was running around 10 min/mile. That's not going to set any world records but it was pretty good for me. I'm not sure what happened or when it happened, but I got it into my head that I was slower than that. That's pure bull. The last few times I went running, I've done intervals of 6 and 7 min/mile. Now I know I'm not that fast but I think that really shows that I'm faster than I think I am. So, last year I did this race in 1:22, about 13 min/mile. This year I'm going to do it in 1 hour, right around...


For a while now I've felt like I was just drifting. In other areas of my life I have goals and plans to reach those goals and things are going well. As far as my workouts have been going, it hasn't been good. I've had no real goals to work towards and as a result I haven't been as focused or as committed as I would like to be. Today I was cruising the blogosphere and came across some triathlon blogs. As I was reading them I realized that's what I want. I want to have a race to train for and something to work towards. I'm not sure exactly what I want to train for but I'm definitely going to start looking around. I will have to find some races to work towards. I'm basically starting at ground zero so it should be an interesting journey. This weekend will be spent searching for a race I want to do. I guess it's better than looking for Austin resumes . So I'm excited and looking forward to having a fitness goal.

Back to me :)

I wanted to leave the previous post at the top most of the day because I really like it. Many have given their lives in order to defend our freedom. Many have given their time and all they had. I thank them all. But, yea, back to me. So I've been focused on my eating for the last couple of days. Sunday I fasted, well, actually from Saturday dinner until Sunday dinner, and I felt fabulous!!!! I drank gallons of water and just felt energetic and awake. It was great. Yesterday eating was really good too. I have it all logged into a spreadsheet but it's on my laptop so I can't quote numbers. Today is okay so far except lunch did not agree with my stomach. I had a Healthy Choice soup and some egg salad in a Flatout wrap. My stomach feels icky now. If it doesn't get better I'll go really light for dinner. I'm only planning on a salad and some salmon anyway, that shouldn't bother me too much. Anyway, feeling good and eating light :) I haven't bee...

Thank You!!!

Veterans come in all shapes and sizes!!!

Okay, comments fixed

It was weird, the comments wouldn't come up below the post. I had to set it so a new page opens for the comments. Annoying, but I really, really like this theme. I'll leave it for a while..


It looks like the comments are not working on this theme!! Grrrrr!!! I really like it too. Well, I will fix that tonight.

I've been put in my place

This morning I was dragging around here feeling sorry for myself. I was whining about how hard things are. I'm having issues with my weight and food intake. I can't seem to find the time to get the exercise I want in. I've got so much going on and it's hard. Just hard. I was cleaning house while conducting this whining in my head and I had my soaps on which is the typical Sunday routine. On All My Children on of the characters is in the military and due to be sent back to Iraq. Anyway, they did a scene with the heroes that have been injured in Iraq. They told their stories about getting injured, recovery, and their life now. It caught my attention and I stopped and watched. It made me realize what a baby I'm being. Yeah, things are hard, but I have all my limbs. It's not easy to lose weight but I don't have any major disabilities or medical problems. Particularly there was one guy who struck me. He's on the Semper Fi team. They do marathon...

Okay, seriously, this time I mean it....

I'm sick and tired of feeling like a failure. Because I've got other things going on and I can't focus on my eating and exercise I feel like a failure. Enough of that. I've had it and I'm tired of it. Starting tomorrow it all changes. I'm fasting for the next 24 hours. I need that to give me a little jump start. So I ate dinner and that was it until dinner tomorrow. Then, next week Hubby will be working most nights for a special event and I stocked up on good stuff. Greek yogurt. Oh, oh, oh, that reminds me, have you guys tried this stuff?? It is full fat, but it's all natural. It only contains milk, cream, pectin, and active cultures. Holy crap this stuff is good. As I said, it's full fat but it is so good it's like eating dessert. You only need a little bit. It tastes incredible and well worth the calories. This and a little granola and I'm good to go for hours. Right, so I stocked up on this and fish for the week. I'm also k...