A paradox....
Why can't I get it into my head that I can swim??? Logically I know that I can swim but I have it in my head that I'm not a great swimmer and I can't shake it. I've done a lot of work overcoming my 'internal dialog' for the last couple of years. I've gotten it out of my head that I'm lazy - not even a little. That I'm weak - I'm stronger then most people I know. That I'm unorganized - okay, still working on that :) But it's in my head that I'm a slow swimmer and I can't shake it. This morning as I was swimming I got a real compliment. The head swim teacher, who also teaches life guards, told me that my stroke was really good and that I was doing great swimming. She also recommended that I join a master's program. So why can't I convince myself that I can swim???