So very tired.....

I'm still adjusting to this grad school schedule... Trust me, it's brutal. Just to give you an idea of what it's like, Tues & Thurs nights I have class from 5:15 until 8:10. These are 2 different classes with 2 sets of homework. The homework is substantial too. There's piles of reading, journals, portfolios, powerpoint presentations, etc. And that's all due next week. I also have to spend 6 hours a week in a classroom observing my mentor teacher. By November I have to be ready to teach a class. In high school. With high school students. Teenagers!!! Talk about scary!!! On top of that I'm still working full time (or darn close to it), I still have the Hubby, still have the animals, and I would like to be able to squeeze in some fun once in a while. Oh yeah, my workouts. I'm glad I decided on no more races this year until the marathon. Of course, I don't know when, or if, I'll ever get to train for that between my heel, my knee, school. Wow!!!! I can feel the pressure building and it's only week 2. I'm not sure I'll have time to go to the bathroom. Maybe I should consider a disposable diaper ;)

So here's what I'm thinking. I'll do the major workouts on the weekends. During the week I will workout whenever I can, but if I miss one I'm not going to beat myself up. After a couple of weeks I'll get into a routine and won't be so tired, so for now I'm going easy on myself. Which brings me to this morning. I had every intention of getting up and doing my strength training, but when the alarm went off I just couldn't do it. I was too tired and wanted to sleep for another week or so. So I blew it off, rolled over, and got an extra hour. And that's okay. For the next couple of weeks I have a get out of jail free card :)

So that's it. I'm not going to get crazy about it, I'm just going to do the best I can. It will all work out soon. It's like with the birds. Sammy is used to spending the evenings with me, but he's adjusting to the new schedule. I will too.

Now, I have to drag my butt into the shower and get ready for work.


Benson said…
Oh my goodness. that's a full schedule but I like your plan. Make it work for you.
Vickie said…
Good luck fitting all that in! Its going to be rough!

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