Some mental changes

I've been doing a lot of self evaluation this weekend. As you may have guessed I'm going through a really rough spot and I need to get my head on straight before anything else will straighten out. So I took some time out this morning and went hiking. I swear, there is nothing like being in the great outdoors to put things into perspective and get my head back in the right place. Hopefully things will be better from here on out, not perfect, but definitely better.

As I was hiking, the same trail I hike a lot, I saw this:
100_0609 I noticed the red. Then it dawned on me what it was and I couldn't believe it.

100_0611 It's a little blurry but it's a red pick up truck. How the heck did it get there? It seems like it's been there for a while. I did not think there was a road behind this trail but I had to look up on the topo map to be sure. There isn't. I can not even begin to imagine how that car got there.

The really exciting part of this hike was that I felt so good when I turned around, mentally and physically, that I ran back. I have not done a trail run in years. I was really getting into it when I had a bout of spraining ankles - repeatedly. I stopped and I've been really nervous about doing it again. But there are 2 trail runs I want to do. One is a 4 mile loop in October. The other is a half marathon in December. I felt so good running today, I may add this into my mix and see how it goes.

Okay, that's it. Starting tomorrow it's back to workouts and such. No more whining and crying over they way things aren't. As my wrist says, do or not do, there is no try!!! Time to start doing.


Benson said…
Dang, that's kinda weird. Aliens?
Good on ya for making a strong effort to get things right in your life/body. You're a great example of someone who controls what they can and the rest will fall into place.
Good luck and be well.

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