14 May 2008

I'm sick

All last week I felt kind of crappy and had a feeling I was coming down with something but I thought I was fighting it off. Last night I kept waking up because I had a tickle in the back of my throat. Nothing seemed to get rid of it. This morning I feel much worse!! I can feel my head filling with cotton. It's going to be a long day.....


Fe-lady said...

Ohhh...I hate it when that happens! Get well soon!

Irene said...

Sending well wishes your way!

Michelle said...

Oh no! Take care of yourself.

Comm's said...

hope you pop right back up Flo.

angelfish24 said...

Sorry to hear you are sick. If it makes you feel any better I am in the same boat also and hating my cold!
Way to go on your running! It's more than I've ever done. I'm just walking and will start swimming and biking here soon. The weather is finally sunny after no sunshine all spring. I'm psyched to workout.

Vickie said...

Sorry to hear you're sick!

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