I ran

It wasn't far and it wasn't pretty, but I ran. I started taking fish oil capsules about a week ago and they really do seem to help with the knee pain. With no knee pain for a week, I decided now was as good a time as any to run. So I ran. As usual I was tempted to jump back in where I left off but thankfully common sense prevailed. I decided to go back to real basics.

Back in October when I started running again, I started at 2 miles and gradually added a mile a week. Before I knew it I was running 5, 6, 8 miles and, more importantly, felt great. So that's where i started again. I ran 2 miles. I will run 2 miles on Thursday and on Sunday I will run 3. I have a 5k in 2 weeks - no problem - and a 10k in 10 weeks - again, no problem. After the Tinman I will start in the serious marathon training. I may do some small sprints between July and December, but the main focus will be running. I'm excited.

I was really pissed off at myself yesterday. I really felt like I had made a huge discovery and then just tossed it out the window. I guess it's really not that bad as I did recognize what was going on and managed to get it under control. I wrote down everything I ate yesterday and I plan on doing that for a while. It really is the best way to get eating under control, at least for me. I guess I can put off the diet pills with Phentermine for a while. I'll see if tracking my eating works first.

Hope everyone has a good day, I'm off to get some work done.


Fe-lady said…
Glucosamine with Chondritin (please excuse the spellings) has worked wonders for these old knees...as well as getting some lunges in during the beginning of the week to strengthen them.
Yeah for running...make it a habit! :-)
Anonymous said…
I hear you on the getting the eating under control. It's tough. I have my good weeks and back weeks but I know that my good weeks could be even better, and that I would be losing more than a meesly pound a week if I tried harder.

Anyway, you asked if I lived in Hawaii, I don't currently but my husband was stationed there at one point. I lived out there from Dec 2003-June 2005. I miss it terribly. We lived in Northern California after that and now were in Guam. Somewhat like Hawaii but honestly, NOT ENOUGH! LOL :)
Anonymous said…
Oh, I wish I could run. Actually I can, there is no physical obstacles for running, only my lack of organization and laziness... Every year I start running, run for about 2-4 weeks and then stop. Each time I promise to myself that I will be running for the whole summer, and each time I fail to do as promised:(
My sincere respect to you as a runner and best wishes...

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