It's kind of funny really.
My last post about eating refined carbs generated quite a few comments from folks agreeing with me. So now I have a question for you all. If you know refined carbs make you crave more refined carbs , and you know they are bad for you in general, and if you're trying to drop a few pounds (or more), why the heck do we eat them?????? The only decent answer I can come up with is that I forget. I go for long stretches eating clean and suddenly I will feel like a little treat, like Starbucks, and bam - it starts. I ate pretty crappy on Thursday but was able to recover and make Friday a success. Actually, when I stop and think, that's a huge victory. It used to be that I would eat an innocent little Starbucks treat for breakfast and it would start a 3 or 4 day binge that would involve candy, cakes, cookies, whatever I could get my grubby little hands on. So the fact that I was able to contain it in one day, 2 meals really because dinner was good, is a huge, huge victory. ...