Cow Pose
Can you believe, I used to be able to do this pose!! It was only about a year and a half ago. I've been working with weights for about 4 weeks now and it really feels awesome. But the last couple of days my low back has been twinging. In my infinite wisdom :) I decided I was tight and that yoga would be a good thing to add to my repertoire 2x a week. So tonight I went to my workout room, popped my favorite yoga tape in and set to twist myself into a pretzel. Ummm , yeah, not so much. I am way, way tighter than I thought. I can not do any full pose. I had to do the beginner modifications for everything. Oh how sad. But, on the bright side, this gives me something to work towards and god knows, I love a challenge. You know, wait - qualifier : this is purely my opinion!! I have not based this on any information obtained anywhere but my own body. When I was in my 20's my sister worked for a chiropractor. At the time I was overweight and so therefore had back pain. I st...