Well now I've really done it.....

Since I went ahead and registered for the Lanikai tri this morning, I figured I'd better get ready to start swimming. I have no goggles, old swimsuits, no plan, you get the idea. So I've been online spending money like a drunken sailor. I've ordered 2 swimsuits from SwimOutlet (they were on clearance) as well as new goggles and a very 60's swim cap :) I also ordered the Total Immersion DVD to work on my swimming. Oh, by the way, the swimsuits, cap, and goggles are all in shades of pink ;)

I've now got to work on my mental game. I always consider myself a poor swimmer. As a result of that thinking, I swim pretty poorly. In 2005 I took that stroke clinic and the instructor told me every class that I was a good swimmer. He had very little criticism about my stroke and I really only needed to make minor adjustments. With his praise ringing in my ears, I had the swim of my life at the 2005 Na Wahine. After that my swimming went downhill quickly. What this tells me is that my swimming "game" is really all in my head. I know how to swim and I'm a pretty decent swimmer. I just need to get it into my head that I am. So, on January 2nd I head back to the pool and while doing drills and laps necessary to improve my swimming, I will be working on my internal game also. I am a good swimmer, I am a good swimmer, I am a good swimmer.......


Pokey said…
LOL, you drunken sailor, you!!! :P

CONGRATS on getting registered! I think it's AWESOME!!!

Cant wait to tag along the journey with you :)
Vickie said…
Good luck! You've taken the first and most important step. Registering for something puts the fear into you. Or maybe you can call that motivation?

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