03 November 2007

Just had to post this

I just finished my workout for today. It's supposed to rain pretty hard this weekend so I don't know what I'll be able to do tomorrow. I really wanted to ride my bike but I also wanted to play with my new workout machine which is sitting in the backyard under a tarp.

So I went to play with the workout machine just to see what it's like. I got the weights set and did a real brief workout. Then I grabbed my bike and went for a ride. Okay, quick note to self - NEVER ride in running shorts again!!! Talk about pain!! So I just went for a short 30 minute ride. I just need to get out there because it's the best way to push myself.

When I got back I was just roaming around the house and I decided to go for a run. I was planning on doing it tomorrow but if it is raining really hard I'll wuss out. So I threw my running shoes on, grabbed my Nike+ (I have to do a post on this, it is too much fun for words), and headed out. Since I was supposed to kick it up to 3 miles I decided to do a 5k. The Nike+ has a feature where you can set your distance. I set it to 5k and headed out. I chose to go the opposite direction of my normal runs just for variety. What I had forgotten is that it's all uphill on the way out. It was hot, humid, no shade, and uphill. Yeah, good choice. As you run the Nike+ updates you on how far you've gone. That's why I like it so much. I can listen to the music and let my mind go and not focus on distance or time. All of a sudden I hear in my ear, you have gone 1 km.

Okay, this was just going to be a short post. Anyway, I ended up doing 5k in 39 minutes. I am very, very happy with that time. I am pleased with the way I ran, I watched my form and was virtually pain free the entire time. I am pleased that it was hot, humid, and uphill and I still gave a great effort and didn't quit. So I'm stoked. I've covered 10 miles today in 69 minutes. That's not too shabby.

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