
Well, because I'm a complete idiot I can not post the graphic that shows my awesome run this morning. So you'll have to take it in words.

On the calendar was a 2 mile run this morning. I did so well on Sunday's run that I was a little apprehensive. During the worst of the foot/hip/back problems a really good run/workout was followed by the run/workout from hell. So I was a little nervous about this run. But I laced up and headed out.

As I left my house I knew my pace was faster than normal. Generally I start reallllly slooooooow to warm up. But I felt good so I kept going. I'm cruising along at a good pace, really enjoying the music, and just reveling in the morning beauty. Suddenly, my Nike+ says in my ear, 1 mile, 12:00 minutes. Whaaa!!! I ran a 12 minute mile and felt that good doing it. Yippee!!!

At the halfway point of all my runs I take a little walk break. At first it was for a minute, now it's down to about 20 seconds. I just walk and kind of regroup and get ready for the return. So I walked for a few seconds and then took off again. I was pretty stoked about the 12 minutes and wondered if I could keep it up. But I didn't push myself, just went at a pace that felt comfortable.

During the last 1/4 mile I realized that this is probably a good pace for me right now. I was pushing myself but not killing myself. I was really glad to see the end but could have gone a little further if I had to. I think I will stay at this pace until it becomes easy. So I finished my 2 mile run with an average speed of 12:01 per mile. I'm very, very satisfied with that number.

I am really beginning to feel like a runner again. And I had forgotten how much I enjoy running. I love the feeling of moving through space at a rapid pace. It's all starting to come back to me now.


Vickie said…
Just keep moving, steady, and you will soon go farther than you thought you could! Say hello to Cheryl for me!

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